What do we expect from you?

We expect students to attend school every day, as consistent attendance is crucial for developing lifelong learning skills and achieving higher educational outcomes, which contribute to better health, higher incomes, job stability, and stronger, more connected communities.

At Rosehill College, we also expect students to be in their uniform as it fosters a sense of belonging and pride within our school community. Wearing a uniform promotes equality, reduces distractions, and helps create a focused learning environment. It reflects our commitment to maintaining high standards and discipline, ensuring that all students present themselves in a respectful and unified manner. Uniforms also prepare students for future professional settings where dress codes are common, instilling a sense of responsibility and readiness for the world beyond school.

Uniform Expectation
Attendance Expectation

Our Rosehill College Way



"We rise by lifting others"

  • We use mana enhancing, respectful, inclusive words and actions
  • Look after our learning environment
  • We are organised and prepared to learn
  • We bring equipment we need, including charged laptops/chromebooks


  • Connecting and learning collectively helps everyone
  • Being prepared for our learning keeps us focused on achieving
  • Everyone gas the right to a safe and enjoyable learning environment



"Excellence in all that we do"

  • We celebrate the success together
  • Knowing what you need to learn to achieve excellence
  • Reflect on my learning and my actions everyday to strive better


  • We care about learning together
  • My learning is my responsibility and I want to be better
  • We care about self leadership
  • Achieving excellence is everyone's right



"Together we are more"

  • We arrive on time
  • We wear our uniform correctly
  • We arrive with headphones/phones away
  • We respect others ideas and contributions
  • everyone is unique


  • We care about our school community whānau
  • We are ready to greet each other
  • We know phones are not learning devices
  • We care about learning together
  • Our uniform represents commitment to our school community and our readiness to learn



"We are reslient and persevere"

  • We support each other through challeneges
  • We follow the 'RHC Way' and encourage others to do the same
  • We know making mistakes are moments of learning
  • We are determined to achieve excellence


  • We encourage personal and collective excellence
  • We care about serving others
  • We are active listeners and contributors
  • We encourage personal and collective excellence

Phone Call


Rosehill App

Report Absences