The Rosehill College Board

Established under the Education Act 2020, the Board is the controlling authority of the school. The Board has responsibility for:

  • 5 members by parents of the College pupils.
  • 1 member elected by staff.
  • 1 member elected by students.
  • Up to 4 members who may be co-opted onto the Board.
  • The Board elects a Presiding Member and Deputy Presiding Member from amongst its own members.

The constitution of the Board provides for:

  • Control and management of the school.
  • Appointment and suspension of teachers and other staff.
  • Maintenance of grounds, buildings services and equipment.
  • Expenditure of the finance allocated to the school by way of bulk funding.
  • Suspension and exclusion of pupils.

Any correspondence can be emailed to

Rosehill College Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2022

Meeting Dates

Wednesday 24 January

Wednesday 28 February

Wednesday 27 March

Wednesday 10 April

Wednesday 29 May

Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 24 July

Wednesday 28 August

Wednesday 25 September

Wednesday 30 October

Wednesday 27 November

Wednesday 11 December

Board Members

Baz Bristow

Larissa Denton

DJ Govender

Janet Herst – Minute Secretary

Dr Deanna Johnston – Presiding Member

Claire Knapp – Deputy Presiding Member

Boris Lucena – Student Representative 2024/2025

Tui Matelau

Janine Sorensen – Staff Representative

Davida Suasua – Principal

Harley Wade

Phone Call


Rosehill App

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