Our Student Leaders

At Rosehill College, our student leaders embody the values and spirit of our school community. Committed to excellence, integrity, and service, these exceptional students take on leadership roles to inspire and guide their peers. Each leader brings unique strengths and perspectives, contributing to the vibrant and inclusive atmosphere of our school.

On this page, you can learn more about our student leaders, their responsibilities, and their personal quotes that reflect their individual philosophies and aspirations. These quotes serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for all members of our school community.

Discover the voices of our student leaders and see how they are making a positive impact at Rosehill College.

Oscar Hayhow

Rosehill College is now, more than ever, a place where opportunities lie around every corner, offering a unique landscape for personal and academic development. Throughout this chapter of trial, error, and growth, I have learned a lot about myself and who I want to be through the opportunities I sought.

Being surrounded by people from a range of cultures and backgrounds provided me with the unique opportunity to further my perspective-taking approach to life, enabling me to be an understanding and effective leader.

My confidence and capability as a leader can be largely attributed to the many leadership experiences provided by our kura. I am ready to carry forward the lessons learned and continue making a meaningful impact in the future.

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu

Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.

Zanthie Thomas

Rosehill College is not merely a school but a haven for personal growth, friendships, and success. Within these walls, I have discovered a supportive environment where my goals and dreams have not only been acknowledged but have also flourished. The teachers and staff here are dedicated to nurturing each student's potential, offering guidance and encouragement every step of the way.

At Rosehill College, education extends beyond the classroom. The diverse range of extracurricular activities and clubs has allowed me to explore my interests, develop new skills, and form meaningful connections. I am proud to be part of a community that values each individual's voice and provides a platform for us to express our ideas and aspirations.

I invite you to experience our school, where every voice is valued and support is readily available.

Teina Stephens

Rosehill College has profoundly shaped me into the leader I am today by instilling in me values that are essential for effective leadership. The college’s nurturing environment taught me the importance of caring for all students, enrich a sense of empathy and understanding that guides my interactions with others.

Embracing humility, I learned to lead with an open mind, valuing the contributions of everyone around me and recognising that leadership is a shared responsibility. Respect and cooperation became cornerstones of my approach, as I experienced firsthand how collaboration and mutual respect drive success and harmony within a community.

These values, cultivated during my time at Rosehill College, have become integral to my leadership style, influencing how I guide and inspire those around me.

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata he tangata

Sam Forbes

Rosehill is not just a school but a community, a foundation for growth and prosperity.

Being a school of opportunities, Rosehill has encouraged my drive for leadership and brought it to life. I wouldn't be who I am today without the support of this community, and I know Rosehill will do the same for everyone, whether in academics, sports, or other great opportunities offered here at Rosehill College.

To everyone new to Rosehill, welcome, and may Rosehill help turn your goals and dreams into reality.

Student Representative on the Board

Shreshaa Guhan

Tēnā koutou katoa

On behalf of the Rosehill College Student Leadership Team, I would like to sincerely welcome you all to our kura – a community that has shaped and nurtured countless leaders over the years. As a member of this incredible community, I can confidently say that Rosehill College has played a pivotal role in shaping me into the leader I am today.

From the moment I stepped through the gates, Rosehill College has been more than just a place of learning. It has been a community that fosters growth, resilience, and leadership. The values instilled in us, such as respect, integrity, and perseverance, are not just words but guiding principles that we live by every day. Being part of the Rosehill College community means being part of something larger than oneself. It is about contributing to a legacy of excellence and service.

As you embark on your journey here at Rosehill College, I encourage you to embrace every opportunity that comes your way. Find your passion, push your boundaries, and most importantly, support each other. Your commitment to learn, laugh, grow, and eventually lead together will no doubt be the defining factor of your college experience.

Tiaho te ao, Tiaho te ao mārama

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