The first Student Achievement Meeting will be held in Term 1, Week 11 on Wednesday 13th April for Year 11 and 12 students from 1.25pm to 6pm.

The first meeting is primarily around setting the scene for the year, clarifying NCEA entries, discussing and setting goals for specific subjects, Numeracy, Literacy, UE Lit, UE, Course endorsement, Certificate endorsement. Also to identify issues that have arisen or potential barriers/obstacles and linking with Subject Selection in Term 3 and potential pathways.

Heads of House will be available in close proximity to the Tutor Teachers, other staff will be available in the Library, such as Careers, Learning Support and the Senior Leadership Team.

The second meeting in Term 3 will focus around progress on plans made in the Term 1 meeting, and relationship to Subject Selection and pathways for 2017.