The number of people isolating in our community is increasing as Omicron spreads, and we are being affected by this as well. We are fortunate to have a number of relievers who have helped us to keep students in face to face learning, but on Friday, we are unable to maintain safe staffing levels and hence are asking students in ALL year levels to learn from home on Friday 11 March.

Students who are unable to learn at home are to come to school where they will be supervised in year level groups to follow the same programme as those who are learning from home.

All students are to follow their normal timetable for Friday, Day 1, and the work set on Google Classroom for that period. Senior classes may have a Google Meet, which will be posted on Google Classroom, although it may be cancelled at short notice if the teacher is required to supervise a year level group onsite. If your son/daughter will be learning from home on Friday, please ensure you read the information below – For ALL students at all levels.

Students who are unable to learn from home on Friday are to be at school by the normal time of 8.35am in full school uniform. On arrival, students are to check the whiteboard in the Library Courtyard for the room they are to go to. Students will remain in that room for all periods, with breaks for ventilation as well as interval and lunch breaks. They are to be at school for the full day unless sent home because they are unwell.

As the canteen will not be open, students are to bring their food and drink for the day.

Buses will operate as normal in the morning, but a bus that has no passengers in the morning may not operate in the afternoon.

For ALL students at all levels:

  • Week beginning Monday 14 March – Year 10 students will be rostered to learn from home, and other students will be learning onsite.

  • Week beginning Monday 21 March – Year 13 students will be rostered to learn from home, and other students will be learning onsite.

If we need to make changes to this schedule to ensure that we keep students safe onsite, we will endeavour to provide at least 24 hours notice, as in this case of learning from home this Friday.

Thank you for your support and understanding.